That was easy! Making your own custom cooler is easier than you think

That was easy! Making your own custom cooler is easier than you think

Published by COOLERSBYU on 01/08/2018

We're not all amazing with a paint brush and some paint, but this shouldn't stop us from having an awesome decorated cooler right? Luckily, theres a few options that require very little artistic ability. 

  1. Use Mod Podge or Varnify
  2. Paint over it
  3. If you want a more hand painted look, paint over the glued on image. 
  4. Trace your designs
  5. Use stickers
  6. The easiest way to decorate the cooler? Collect stickers from your favorite brands and stick them on the sides of the cooler. Or visit your local craft store and pick up some fun scrapbooking stickers.